About Milos

Who is Miloš?

Miloš Avramović is one of the most promising and talented young artists of his generation. Born in 1993 in Kraljevo, Serbia, he took his first accordion lessons at age of seven, at the Elementary school of music in Kraljevo, in class of accordion teacher Marija Stevanović.

Combination of those two people, young teacher keen on self-proving and a little boy with a great passion for music was a recipe for success. Working with his teacher Marija, Miloš developed his skill and technique almost to the perfection, proving their work winning on many domestic and international accordion competitions and festivals. In year 2010. he graduated with Honors at High school of music "Stevan S. Mokranjac", in Kraljevo, in a class of his teacher Marija Stevanović - Vukicević.

During his education Miloš participated in numerous master classes under the most important musicians and pedagogues in accordion world: Prof. Vojin Vasović, Prof. Radomir Tomić, Prof. Ivan Koval, Prof. Jacques Mornet, Concertmaster Youri Shishkin, Prof. Mika Vayrynen, Prof. Iñaki Alberdi, Prof. Vladimir Murza, Prof. Viatcheslav Semionov, Prof. Teodoro Anzelotti, Prof. Tanja Lukić-Marx... obtaining exceptional commends and recommendations.

Miloš received numerous honors and prizes at prestigious festivals and music competitions, both in Serbia and abroad, in Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia...

For his achievements, Miloš two times became the holder of the Special award of Republic Serbia young talents 2008.and 2011.year as well as Special award of native town Kraljevo, for exquisite contribution for promotion of culture in the world, Special award from mayor of the City of Kraljevo, Award winner of prize "Student of generation" from HRH Crown Prince Alexander II Karadjordjevic Foundation, Serbia, etc...

Looking for the best that music can offer, Miloš choose to continue his further studies in Austria, at Konservatorium Wien, Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, in a class of Prof. Grzegorz Stopa, where he graduated 2015.

After graduating Bachelor studies, Miloš decided to peruse his Master degree at the Anton Bruckner Private University for Music, Drama, and Dance,in a class of prof.Alfred Melichar. Everyday's work with eminent professors is a big stimulus for this young man, to continue improving his knowledge of music.

Restless spirit, he decided to prove his music talent once again by self-learning to play bandoneon and became one of the youngest bandoneon players in Europe.

Miloš did a wide variety of performing as a soloist as well as an enthusiastic chamber musician. He plays a broad range of musical styles including classical, Balkan, French favorites, tango and contemporary. Regarding to his results, Miloš had been invited to participate in Wiener Jeunesse Orchester concert tour in august 2011 as a member of orchestra. After the succesfull concert tour with the Wiener Jeuness Orchester he had been invited to pose for the upcoming concert season poster.

Parallel to playing with the Wiener Jeuness Orchester, Milos was part of the accordion trio “Fidelio”, performing versatile repertoire – from Classical to minimalism as well as contemporary and pop.

His passion toward tango music and bandoneon earned him a position in Vienna Tango Quintet and Sergio Cattaneo's "La Gayola" tango quartet. He is also one of the founders of Bataclana quintet, musicians group based in Vienna, with whom became winners of Fidelio Competition 2017, winning the Hugo-Breitner Gesellschaft Prize. Those activities gain him the opportunity to connect performing tango with his love toward traveling around the world.


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Get in touch

Have an offer or question for Miloš?

Feel free to email me, or drop me a line in Facebook or Twitter!
